
usefull command syntax

list all servers configured on HMC in the form model_serial_number and configured lpars
for MODEL in `lssysconn -r all -F "type_model_serial_num"`
   lssyscfg -r lpar -m $MODEL -F"name,lpar_id,state"  | while read LPARS
      echo "$LPARS,$MODEL"

list configured processors on HMC defined managed systems
for MODEL in `lssysconn -r all -F "type_model_serial_num"`
   echo "Type-Model*SerialNumber=$MODEL"
   lshwres -r proc -m  $MODEL --level sys -F"configurable_sys_proc_units,curr_avail_sys_proc_units" --header
   lshwres -r proc -m  $MODEL --level lpar -F "lpar_name,lpar_id,curr_min_procs,curr_procs,curr_max_procs" --header

list configured memory on HMC defined managed systems
for MODEL in `lssysconn -r all -F "type_model_serial_num"`
   echo "Type-Model*SerialNumber=$MODEL"
   lshwres -r mem -m  $MODEL --level sys -F"installed_sys_mem,configurable_sys_mem,curr_avail_sys_mem" --header
   lshwres -r mem -m  $MODEL --level lpar -F "lpar_name,lpar_id,curr_min_mem,curr_mem,curr_max_mem" --header

list all configured IO defices on HMC defined managed systems
for MODEL in `lssysconn -r all -F "type_model_serial_num"`
   echo "Type-Model*SerialNumber=$MODEL"
   lshwres -r io --rsubtype slot -m  $MODEL -F "lpar_name,unit_phys_loc,bus_id,phys_loc,description" --header

full listing of configured processors, memory and IO devices on HMC defined managed systems
for MODEL in `lssysconn -r all -F "type_model_serial_num"`
   echo "Type-Model*SerialNumber=$MODEL"
   lshwres -r proc -m  $MODEL --level sys -F"configurable_sys_proc_units,curr_avail_sys_proc_units" --header
   lshwres -r proc -m  $MODEL --level lpar -F"lpar_name,lpar_id,curr_min_procs,curr_procs,curr_max_procs" --header
   lshwres -r mem -m  $MODEL --level sys -F"configurable_sys_mem,curr_avail_sys_mem" --header
   lshwres -r mem -m  $MODEL --level lpar -F"lpar_name,lpar_id,curr_min_mem,curr_mem,curr_max_mem" --header
   lshwres -r io --rsubtype slot -m  $MODEL -F "lpar_name,unit_phys_loc,bus_id,phys_loc,description" --header

min listing for processors and memory
for MODEL in `lssysconn -r all -F "type_model_serial_num"`
   echo "Type-Model*SerialNumber=$MODEL"
   lshwres -r proc -m  $MODEL --level sys -F"configurable_sys_proc_units" --header
   lshwres -r proc -m  $MODEL --level lpar -F"lpar_name,curr_procs" --header
   lshwres -r mem -m  $MODEL --level sys -F"configurable_sys_mem" --header
   lshwres -r mem -m  $MODEL --level lpar -F"lpar_name,curr_mem" --header

access the HMC from browser

https://HMC_Address/preloginmonitor/index.jsp(external link)

ASME -Accessing the Advanced System Management Interface using a Web browser

ASME access(external link)

HMC update methods

Method 1. Using SSH and the updhmc command.

If the HMC is configured for remote ssh access, the fix can be applied using the updhmc command.
  • Log in as hscroot
  • Apply the fix using the updhmc command.
    For further information on using the updhmc command run the command: man updhmc
    Example: Applying fix direct from the internet FTP site
    updhmc -t s -h public.dhe.ibm.com -u anonymous -p abc123 -f /software/server/hmc/fixes/ MH01403 .iso -c -r

    Example: SCP fix to HMC and apply from local disk
    scp the fix to the hmc /tmp directory.
    scp -scp MH01403.iso hscroot@:/tmp

    Apply fix from local file system.
    updhmc -t l -f /tmp/MH01403.iso -c -r

    Example: Applying the fix from DVD
    Burn the fix to DVD-R (this can be as data or an iso image)
    Insert the media into the HMC and run the command:
    updhmc -t m -r

    Example: Applying the fix from USB
    Copy the fix to USB flash drive.
    Insert the USB flash drive to the HMC. Wait several seconds.
    Locate the mount point using the command:

    The output will be similar to the following:
    device=/dev/sdb1,mount_point=/media/sdb1,type=3,description=USB flash memory device 

    Mount the drive using the command:

    where is the USB mount point returned by lsmediadev (/media/sdb1 in the example above). Run the update command:
    updhmc -t l -f  / MH01403.iso -r

    where is the USB mount point returned by lsmediadev

Method 2. Auto-install

  • Download the fix.
  • Burn the iso image to DVD-R.
    Ensure you select the CD burner software package's option to burn as an iso image file; do not burn the file as a "data file".
  • Verify the DVD was burned correctly
    If the DVD was burned correctly as an image, the root directory will contain one file named "cert2.pem" and one folder named "images".
  • Reboot the HMC with the DVD in the drive.
    • Locate the HMC system unit (there will be a tag with the model of 7310 or 7042)
    • Insert the DVD
    • Push and hold the power button until the HMC powers off.
    • Power back on by pushing and releasing the power button.
    • During the reboot (just after the "Starting HAL daemondone" step), the HMC will install the fix.
    • Remove the DVD from the drive
      The DVD must be removed from the drive before the next reboot to prevent it from re-installing. If the fix installs again, any changes made to user profiles since the upgrade may be lost.


Upgrading HMC

Upgrading the HMC from Version 7.3.x or Version 7.7.x to Version 7.7.8(external link)

POWER7 information

This information supports HMC machine types 7042-CR4, 7042-CR5, 7042-CR6, 7042-CR7, 7042-C06, 7042-C07, and 7042-C08.
Hardware Management Console operations(external link)
Hardware Management Console 7042-CR4, 7042-CR5, 7042-CR6, 7042-CR7, 7042-C06, 7042-C07, and 7042-C08 service(external link)

Download Sides:

Recovery ISO Images:
ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/software/server/hmc/recovery_images/(external link)
Update ISO Images:
ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/software/server/hmc/updates/ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/software/server/hmc/updates/(external link)
for network installations:
ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/software/server/hmc/network/(external link)

Fix Central

Fix Central provides fixes and updates for your system's software, hardware, and operating system.
http://www.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/(external link)

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