Port Port Range |
Service Application |
Protocol | Description |
20 | ftp | TCP1 | File Transfer Protocol: Data |
21 | ftp | TCP | File Transfer Protocol: Control |
67 | bootpd | UDP2 | Bootstrap Protocol Server for Itanium Clients. This service should function only if the server is a bootp/DHCP server. If it is not, disable the service in the /etc/inetd.conf file. |
68 | bootpd | UDP | Bootstrap Protocol for Itanium Client - This service should function only if the server is a bootp server. If it is not, disable the service in the /etc/inetd.conf file. |
69 | tftpd | UDP | Trivial File Transfer Protocol - Found on systems that have Ignite-UX installed. This service should function only if the host is being used as a tftp server. If you want to disable this service, edit the /etc/inetd.conf file. |
111 | portmap sunrpc rpcbind |
SUN Remote Procedure Call (RPC) |
135 | rpcd dced |
TCP | Distributed Computing Environment (DCE)-based RPC |
514 | shell | TCP | Remote Command, No Password Used |
1067 | instl_boots | UDP | Installation Bootstrap Protocol Server for PARISC Client - Part of the Ignite-UX service. You can disable this service in the /etc/inetd.conf file. |
1068 | instl_bootc | UDP | Installation Bootstrap Protocol for PARISC Client - Part of the Ignite-UX service. You can disable this service in the /etc/inetd.conf file. |
2049 | nfsd | TCP UDP |
NFS Remote File System |
2121 | swagentd | TCP UDP |
HP Software Distributor Daemon - Used for communication between systems for software installation, listing, or other sw commands. |
4000-4009 | secure swagent ports | TCP UDP |
The swagent firewall configurable ports. |
49152-65535 | Dynamic or Private Ports |
Dynamic and Private Ports are used by many applications for dynamic port assignments. UDP ports in this range are often RPC ports. |
Port Port Range |
Service Application |
Protocol | Description |
512 | exec | TCP | Remote Execution |
514 | shell | TCP | Remote Command, No Password Used |
2049 | nfsd | TCP UDP |
NFS Remote File System |
2121 | swagentd | TCP UDP |
for IgniteUX Software updates HP Software Distributor Daemon - Used for communication between systems for software installation, listing, or other sw commands. |
4000-4009 | secure swagent ports | TCP UDP |
for IgniteUX Software updates The swagent firewall configurable ports. |
49152-65535 | Dynamic or Private Ports |
Dynamic and Private Ports are used by many applications for dynamic port assignments. UDP ports in this range are often RPC ports. |
ping [IgniteUX Server]
tftp [IgniteUX Server] tftp> get /opt/ignite/boot/nbp.efi /tmp/nbp.efi Received 31353 bytes in 0.1 seconds
showmount -e [IgniteUX Server]
export list for [IgniteUX Server]: ... /var/opt/ignite/clients (everyone) ...
cd /var/opt/ignite/clients/hp018/recovery grep nfs_source */archive_cfg | grep -v "#"
2010-03-25,07:12/archive_cfg: nfs_source = "" 2010-03-25,10:04/archive_cfg: nfs_source = "" 2010-04-14,03:33/archive_cfg: nfs_source = "" 2010-04-23,14:29/archive_cfg: nfs_source = "" 2010-04-27,10:58/archive_cfg: nfs_source = "" latest/archive_cfg: nfs_source = ""
Das Originaldokument ist zu finden unter http://ccf-consulting.de/tiki-5.0/tiki-index.php?page=IgniteUX_checks